Settori |
Riviste presenti |
ACCCSA, San José, Costa Rica |
AMI, Leipzig, Germania |
Andina Link, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia |
Andina Pack, Bogotá, Colombia |
Antec, Orlando, Florida USA |
Arabplast, Dubai, UAE |
Argenplas, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Aseanplas, Singapore |
Automatica, München, Germania |
Automotive Interiors Show, Detroit, MI |
Automotive Testing Expo europe, Stuttgart, Germania |
AWT-Tagung: Qualität in der Wärmebehandlung, Aachen, Germany |
Batimat-ExpoVivienda, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
BAU, München, Germania |
Bi-Mu mediterranea, Bari, Italia |
Bi-Mu/Sfortec, Milano Rho, Italia |
BI.MAN, Milano Rho, Italia |
BIAS, Milano Rho, Italia |
BIEL light+building, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
BioAnalytica, München, Germania |
BlechExpo, Stuttgart, Germania |
Brasilpack, São Paulo, Brasile |
Brasilplast, Anhembi, São Paulo, Brasile |
Canitec, Messico |
Caribbean - Media Summit, Miami, FL |
CebiT, Hannover, Germania |
ChinaPlas, Canton-Guangzhou, Cina |
CLEO europ, München, Germania |
CLEO, Baltimore, Mariland |
CMM International, Chicago, IL |
Coating, Indianapolis, Indiana |
CompaMED, Düsseldorf, Germania |
Control Italy, Parma, Italia |
Control, Stuttgart, Germania |
Convergence, Detroit, MI |
CPP - Converting & Package Printing, Chicago, IL |
DRUPA, Düsseldorf, Germania |
Eastec, Springfield, MA |
ECOC, Glasgow, Scozia |
Electronica, München, Germania |
Embedded World, Nürnberg, Germania |
EMO, Milano Rho, Italia |
EMO, Milano Rho, Italia |
EMV, Düsseldorf, Germania |
EquiPlast, Barcelona, Spagna |
ETIF, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
euroBike, Friedrichshafen, Germania |
euroblech, Hannover, Germania |
euroMold, Frankfurt, Germania |
euroPlast, Paris Villepinte, Francia |
eurostampi, Parma, Italia |
Expo Cine Video Television, Mexico City, Messico |
ExpoFerretera, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
ExpoManufactura, Monterrey, Messico |
ExpoMetalmecanica, Guadalajara, Spagna |
ExpoMoldes, Zaragoza, El Salvador |
Expoplast, Lima, Perù |
Fabtech, Las Vegas, NV |
Fakuma, Friedrichshafen, Germania |
Fakuma, Friedrichshafen, Germania |
Febramec, Caxias do Sul, Brasile |
Feimafe, Sao Paulo, Brasile |
Flexray, Fellbach, Germania |
FLUIDTRANS COmpOMAC, Milano Rho, Italia |
Foro de la FFTA, Orlando, FL |
GDS, Düsseldorf, Germania |
Graphics of The Americas, Miami, FL |
Hannover Fair / Interkama+, Hannover, Germania |
Hannover Fair / Interkama+, Hannover, Germania |
I.L.M. Winter Styles, Offenbach, Germania |
IAA Nutzfahrzeuge, Francoforte, Germania |
IBC, Amsterdam, Olanda |
IMTS, Chicago, Il |
International Plansee Seminar, Reutte, Austria |
Interpart, Karlsruhe, Germania |
InterPlas, Birmingham, Inghilterra |
Interplastica, Moskva, Russia |
Ipack-Ima, Milano Rho, Italia |
IRC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Ispo Summer, München, Germania |
Ispo Winter, München, Germania |
IZB, Wolfsburg, Germania |
JEC, Paris, Francia |
K, Düsseldorf, Germania |
Label Summit Latin America, Mexico City, Messico |
Lamiera, Bologna, Italia |
Laser World of Photonics + FiberComm, München, Germania |
LDI, Las Vegas, NV |
Lineapelle, Bologna, Italia |
MassPlastics, Fitchburg, MA |
Materialica, München, Germania |
MECSPE, Parma, Italia |
Medical Design & Manufacturing East, New York, NY |
Medical Design & Manufacturing West, Anaheim, CA |
METAV, München, Germania |
Micam, Milano Rho, Italia |
Micam, Milano Rho, Italia |
MIPEL, Milano Rho, Italia |
MIPEL, Milano Rho, Italia |
MOC Moda Made in Italy, München, Germania |
MOC Moda Made in Italy, München, Germania |
Modacalzado/Iberpiel, Madrid, Spagna |
MoldMaking Expo, Rosemont, IL |
Motek Italy, Parma, Italia |
Motek, Sinsheim, Germania |
MSV, Bruen, Inghilterra |
NAB, Las Vegas, NV |
NPE, Chicago, IL |
Outdoor, Friedrichshafen, Germania |
parts2clean, Essen, Germania |
PCIM europe, Nürnberg, Germania |
Plast, Milano Rho, Italia |
Plastec East, New York, NY |
Plastec West, Anaheim, CA |
Plastec, St. Petersburg, FL |
Plastics Encounter Midwest, Milwaukee, WI |
Plastics Industry Show, Moskva, Russia |
Plastimagen, Messico |
Plastpol, Polonia |
Plastix Expo, Parma, Italia |
Plastukraina, Kiev, Ucraina |
Plw leather & more, Pirmasens, Germania |
PmpA Annual Meeting, Palm Beach, FL |
PmpA National Technical Conference, Indianapolis, IN |
PMTS, Columbus, OH |
Productronica, München, Germania |
Quality Expo, Detroit, MI |
Quality Expo, Rosemont, IL |
Resale, Karlsruhe, Germania |
Rosupak, Moskva, Russia |
SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI |
Safetronic, München, Germania |
Salon de l'Auto, Genève, Svizzera |
Sensor+Test, Nürnberg, Germania |
Sensorcar, Fellbach, Germania |
Smp Hybrid Packaging, Nürnberg, Germania |
SPS/IPC/Drives, Nürnberg, Germania |
Subfornitura, Parma, Italia |
SUR/FIN, Rosemont, IL |
Swisspo, Zürich, Svizzera |
Systems, München, Germania |
Tecma, Mexico City, Messico |
Testing Expo, Stuttgart, Germania |
Vision, Stuttgart, Germania |
Z, Die Zuliefermesse, Leipzig, Germania |
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